The average house price on LEA PARK GARTH is £249,138
The most expensive house in the street is 15 LEA PARK GARTH with an estimated value of £282,065
The cheapest house in the street is 1 LEA PARK GARTH with an estimated value of £194,388
The house which was most recently sold was 16 LEA PARK GARTH, this sold on 1 Feb 2019 for £187,000
The postcode for LEA PARK GARTH is LS10 4RJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LEA PARK GARTH Detached , 64 m2 £194,388 £117,500 19 Jan 2007
3 LEA PARK GARTH Detached £281,232 £150,000 11 Apr 2005
4 LEA PARK GARTH Detached , 66 m2 £281,434 £144,995 26 Aug 2004
5 LEA PARK GARTH Detached , 54 m2 £203,936 £119,000 19 Oct 2010
9 LEA PARK GARTH Detached £254,042 £77,750 31 Oct 2001
11 LEA PARK GARTH Detached , 70 m2 £272,624 £58,000 7 Aug 1998
14 LEA PARK GARTH Detached £239,824 £85,000 29 Jul 2002
15 LEA PARK GARTH Detached £282,065 £76,500 11 Oct 2000
16 LEA PARK GARTH Detached , 49 m2 £232,705 £187,000 1 Feb 2019